Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Meet "Bob" the tomato!

And now we have 6! So far Mom and Dad are feeding them real good but it looks like some might be plucking feather from their heads again. Any name suggestions anyone?

Looks like we will be in the puppy business again about the end of October. Can't wait!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Well, I am tired of bird butts too. Thought I would put something prettier on here for a while.

The injured baby bird finally died, I think he is better off now. We have 3 live ones at the moment and one more egg to go.

It sure has gotten nice in the mornings for walks now, cool, clear and quiet. I love it! These dogs are messing up my walk time now. I have 2 girls that have become really popular with the boys and I have to keep the boys all seperated, 3 different places so we don't have any bloody fights. Looks like we will be having more pups about the 4th week in October, ready to go just before Christmas.

We had a nice day Sunday, thanks you guys for all the left overs and 'stuff'. We finished up the Chicken salad, baked beans and bar-b-q last night. I guess that means I'll have to cook tonight, Rats! I did make meatloaf last night, I was going to have it for supper but when I got home Terry had already fried him some potatoes, warmed some roast beef and sliced some tomatoes. For himself I might add. I didn't see any left overs for me laying around. Sarah Beth had already thawed the hamburger for meatloaf so I went ahead and made that for my supper.

I'll let Lois tell about her little venture at the shop where I had to go and rescue her, He-he!

Friday, August 18, 2006

I am finally home again, I stayed at Bea's for the last 24 hours and it sure seems like more than 24 hours sometimes. This time Sis stayed with me the whole time. That's good for me but Dad is not real happy about that. I always come home to a houseful of animals wanting my attention. Notice the picture above, that was taken on Thursday night. Tonight when we got home there were 2 hatched.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Count 'em, 1,2,3,4,5. There are 3 in the box and one is behind the curtain. Notice the one under the blanket in the center? I had just washed the blankets and taken them out of the dryer. It was still warm and I threw it on her, she loved it! That makes 6 little dogs, Sharon and one big, outside dog. You said you didn't have time for 3 dogs? Well, since mine are inside dogs they don't take up much of my time. One more little 5 lb. dog wont eat that much more food. Mostly you don't even know he is there. They all get along well together too. The only thing is, it is just a bit noiser around here when we have visitors or when it is time to go for a walk and they all get excited. They have their own little cornor of the room when they are inside so they are not under your feet or sleeping in your chair all the time. Behind the curtain leads to a doggy door that takes them to a fenced in yard outside to do their "business" so I don't have to worry about that either. This set up is working for me and I could easily handle another if I want to get another little girl sometime. They are my motivation to go for walks, they are my alarm clock if I sleep past 8am, they are my burgler alarms even if it is only just a raccoon. They are stress relievers, it's been proven to lower your blood pressure if you stroke a cat or dog. They are great garbage disposals, pot lickers and face washers and occasional money makers. Not to say they don't have their problems too, especially if they get sick or need medical care but it sure would be lonely around here with out them.
I have an appointment to get Whiskers neutered this week, my big outside dog. I have a girl coming in heat and she is the one that jumps the fence. We bought a small fence charger to eliminate that problem but I figured I'd just get him nuetered and solve two problems at once. He will be much happier and much less frusterated.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

He/she? knows when I set a cup of water in the microwave to heat it up that it is time to eat and starts getting excited! He has that hungry cry that just wont quit until it gets something in it's mouth to eat. Just like a baby. They still pick his feathers some when they are together but he is getting big enough to protest and peck back. He looks like a full growed bird but is just 6 weeks old. Daddy will still feed him when they get together but mom has 5 eggs to worry about now.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Meet Boogie.
He is about 4-5 pounds of chocolate brown chihuahua and about 8 inches high. He was given to us last week by a neighbor. He seems to be getting along with my gang pretty good but that would change if I had one in heat. I don't know what I will do with 2 males during that time. I am looking for a foster home for one of them for about 2 weeks. Any takers? I didn't think so.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Lois, here are some websites for you to look at. Click a link below then use the left arrow at the top of your page to go back to this page to click another link.
Elizabeth Myer School

Reading info only

Sunnyvale Christian School
Look under Cirriculum Overview to see what they learn in kindergarten there.

What will they learn

I hope this works for you and helps with your questions. If you need more info I can probably find it when I have more time. If you need help looking at these let me know. You can explore each page for more information too. Don't be afraid to click on anything that looks interesting.