Saturday, January 19, 2008

Just Chillin' in her hammock.

Funny you should ask about ebay today, Jeanie. It was just today that I finally got something back on ebay. Terry has been bugging me to try again so that is what I did today. We have a bid already. Yea. I see that the fees have gone up but what's a fella to do? you want to sell I guess you pay the fees.

Mom keeps her laptop at Bea's so actually I use it more then she does. The only problem she has with it is that she is still too scared of it. If I turn it on and get it to the right page for her she will read her email or write a blog. I need to write down the steps for her, then maybe she could do it by herself.

1 comment:

Farm Girl said...

She sure leads a dogs life, doesn't she? He He! Glad your puppy is doing well.