Friday, February 06, 2009

Ouch! I know how he feels. I got a booboo too. I was at Dad's house and the yard is covered with ice. I was going back to the truck and my feet went out from under me and the back of my head bounced off the ice. I think I looked just like that poor bear. Scared me and every one else but no symptoms, no headache, no dizzyness, sleepyness, nosebleed or crossed eyes. Thank you Lord! The back of my head is a bit tender but that will pass.


Farm Girl said...

Oh, so glad you weren't hurt any worse!!!

That photo is funny! Bet that bear was just having fun!

Lois said...

OUCH! I think the bear has just a little more padding then you do too. Yes, I took a spill, Kenny took a couple and Timmy took one about 40 foot, down the hill in front of the lodge, all the way to the road, pure, hard, solid ice. Glad you're O.K.