Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Terry's favorite

First start with fresh cornbread, add some nice fried taters then put your hot ham and beans on top and eat till you founder! Well, Terry does, its not my favorite meal but I'll cook it for my sweetie.


Farm Girl said...

Hmm. Never thought to put the beans on top. I like to make Bean soup with ham and them crumble corn bread in it, top it with some diced onion. Think I would rather have my taters on the side though. To each his own! What ever floats his boat!

mom said...

I love,,love,,love fried 'taters and corn bread and the beans sound good too

Lois said...

Guess I'll have to come to your house ta get some, no one here likes it.

Bluebird74 said...

What is the matter with these people!
I try to get fried taters at a restaurant, and what do I get? Mealy,dry, boiled potatoes soaked in grease! Yuck,yuck,yuck! @@@