Sunday, February 13, 2011


Okay, I have an idea. This is a contest! The first person who posts a picture of a spring flower blooming in their yard gets a surprise. If I am to late and you already have a flower blooming I guess the contest is off but I'm kinda thinking the nobody does yet. Okay everybody, lets get out there and hunt them flowers!


Bluebird74 said...

Ok, I have lots of wild flowers here :)

Lois said...

Well ,My crocus are 3 inches tall, daffodils, 6 in. and bleeding hearts are up, little buds on a 12 inch cherry tree and orange poppies are up, green and growing. Also the iris are about 3 in. tall. Not blooming yet, givem a few days.

mom said...

Sarah, they have to be in your yard, okay? not in the woods. No fair cheatin. lol

Bluebird74 said...

Mom, all I have is gravel in my yard!! And Lois what do you have down there a green house ?!

Lois said...

No Sarah, they are pushing up through the brown leaves. By the way Ruth, what's in that gold box?

Ruth said...

Ya Lois, wouldn't you like to know what's in the box? Sounds like you might be the one to find ou. All I have in my yard yet is the tiny little tip of a hicynth.(even spellcheck didn't know how to spell that word).
And Sarah, that was me that wrote that about the flowers being in your yard, apparently I was still signed in to mom's acc. Sorry. But hey, you have a back yard don't you, that might get some tiny little star flower?

Ruth said...

Ya Lois, wouldn't you like to know what's in the box? Sounds like you might be the one to find ou. All I have in my yard yet is the tiny little tip of a hicynth.(even spellcheck didn't know how to spell that word).
And Sarah, that was me that wrote that about the flowers being in your yard, apparently I was still signed in to mom's acc. Sorry. But hey, you have a back yard don't you, that might get some tiny little star flower?