Sunday, February 18, 2007

Seen any of these lately?

Terry came to Bea's and picked us up this morning. Church has been called off all day so I vacuumed the living room floor, straightened the kitchen, messed on the computer for while and took a little nap in the chair. Sis went out to play in the snow with the dogs for a while and apparently left a few of them outside because I can hear them squealing to come back in. Their toes must be cold.

Terry went to the shop to try and sell something but there have not been alot of people stopping in this weather. It only takes one though, to have a good day. Somebody stopped late in the day last week and bought $250.00 of junk furniture to repair. Can't beat that.

I am looking forward to enjoying a nice quiet evening at home.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I have daffodils comming up already, I hope that means spring is going to be here soon.