Thursday, January 27, 2011

So with a birthday like the big
FIVE OH coming up, it sets ya to thinking
about life an stuff...... I could get
all sad an upset about it an cry for a
week or I could look at it a different
way. Say you were getting on up in age,
maybe 75 or so and somebody offered you
a gift. The gift was to be able to turn
back your age by 25 years and be 50 again.
How many of us would accept that gift?
Jump at it? Grab it and enjoy it to the
best of our ability? I know I probably
would and that is how I am going to look
at 50, as a gift to be cherished, enjoyed,
and lived to the fullest! After all, 50
is still young, to some of you guys anyway. Lol

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

So what is a person to do all night when you sit up beside someone's bed in a dark room for 10 hours! Well, I am listening to some good music in my ear, I've had a snack, I listened to The Daily Audio Bible, I caught up on Facebook and the blogs, I got out my book to read but couldn't get into it, I texted Lois since she is the only one up too this time of night, I tried to grab a nap but that's not easy to do sitting in a wooden rocking chair, hmmm... Any ideas?

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Click link to see video

I bet you I could spill all kinds a family secrets here and nobody would even notice. I don't think this is a very popular place anymore. Where did everybody go?

Friday, January 07, 2011

How many dogs laying by the fire?