Saturday, August 12, 2006

Count 'em, 1,2,3,4,5. There are 3 in the box and one is behind the curtain. Notice the one under the blanket in the center? I had just washed the blankets and taken them out of the dryer. It was still warm and I threw it on her, she loved it! That makes 6 little dogs, Sharon and one big, outside dog. You said you didn't have time for 3 dogs? Well, since mine are inside dogs they don't take up much of my time. One more little 5 lb. dog wont eat that much more food. Mostly you don't even know he is there. They all get along well together too. The only thing is, it is just a bit noiser around here when we have visitors or when it is time to go for a walk and they all get excited. They have their own little cornor of the room when they are inside so they are not under your feet or sleeping in your chair all the time. Behind the curtain leads to a doggy door that takes them to a fenced in yard outside to do their "business" so I don't have to worry about that either. This set up is working for me and I could easily handle another if I want to get another little girl sometime. They are my motivation to go for walks, they are my alarm clock if I sleep past 8am, they are my burgler alarms even if it is only just a raccoon. They are stress relievers, it's been proven to lower your blood pressure if you stroke a cat or dog. They are great garbage disposals, pot lickers and face washers and occasional money makers. Not to say they don't have their problems too, especially if they get sick or need medical care but it sure would be lonely around here with out them.
I have an appointment to get Whiskers neutered this week, my big outside dog. I have a girl coming in heat and she is the one that jumps the fence. We bought a small fence charger to eliminate that problem but I figured I'd just get him nuetered and solve two problems at once. He will be much happier and much less frusterated.


Lois said...

Maybe I need a dog, my alarm clock don,t alarm. No, on second thought,I'll just sleep late, how's that?

Farm Girl said...

You tell Whiskers he won't miss his neuticals. He will be a happy pooch.

Your dog set up makes it easy to keep your dogs inside and out of your way. Glad it works for you. That little brown one is cute.

Lois said...

Yo, what up dog.Just kidding, hi mom.Hope you read this by morn. I like the pic you took of the bird he is soooo cute. i wanted to get in the hot tub but it was to late.Well I love you.

I didnt know we had so may dogs.

Lois said...

The comment above was written by Sarah Beth to her Mom. I did a double take when I read it and couldn't figure it out. She spent the night here.