Friday, February 22, 2008

Yesterday Terry's help was sick and didn't work so I had to fill in at the sawmill. I had forgotten how much work that could be! We only sawed 8 logs into ties but that was plenty enough for me! I didn't come away un wounded, I jammed my finger when I fell between two ties and it is swollen and sore today. I did something to my knee, it is sore and it didn't help that I was wounded from sledding in the snow with Sis the day before. That time I pulled a muscle in my side when we went down a big hill and I fell off the sled and skidded down the hill on my shoulder. I told her I was too old for that kind of stuff but that didn't help. I thought I was going to have to help saw ties again today but was saved by the ice storm. We had to give it up and go home about noon because of the ice. That was just fine with me! That's not a job I want back any time soon.


Farm Girl said...

Glad to hear from you again!
Ouch, you sound like you hurt! Sliding down hill on your shoulder doesn't sound like much fun to me!!

Do you remember sledding down the hill at Crockett, on the car hood? Jeanie might remember as it was when she and Aunt Marge came to visit at the Old House. We hit a tree near the bottom of the hill. Aunt Marge was on the car hood with us when we hit the tree! I don't remember anyone getting hurt, but that couldn't have been much fun!

Lois said...

I should say, I don't envy your job at the saw mill, sounds like you needed a suit of armour to work there.
I too, told Tim, that I'm too old to go sledding down the driveway. A cheap thrill is not worth a broken collar bone or busted teeth,or worse. Leave it to the young folks. I mentioned the same to Daddy and he said it sounds strange to hear one of his kids say they are too old to do. something