Tuesday, July 08, 2008

I love it when Sis plays her music LOUD. Not because I like the music, I really don't enjoy that part but there is a lot to love about the moment. Think of the alternative, if for some reason she was not with us, how much would I wish that she were there to turn up the wild music she loves? What I love is that she is there, with us, singing, dancing, laughing and having a great time. The music is loud, sometimes crazy and not what I would choose but she wants to share it with me, dance with me, laugh with me. The alternative? She could be the kind of teenager you hear so much about, sullen, untalkative, secretative and moody. She could be glued to her room, alone and dressed in black, talking on the phone to friends that I don't know. Maybe she does always leave her dirty dishes in the living room, forget to do her chores, leave her wet clothes laying on my bed or not get her school done on time, but when she gives me that unexpected hug or tells me I'm the BEST Mom, it is all forgiven. When I hear her loud music and see her in the kitchen with me, dancing, singing, laughing and just wanting to spend time with me I want it to last forever! You go girl, be yourself! Never let me try to change you into what I think you should be, always be who you really are, who God made you to be!

1 comment:

Farm Girl said...

Ya know, we weren't the typical teenagers either. We enjoyed each other and being with Mom and Dad. We may have led a sheltered life, but I think we benefited from it.

So nice to hear about your loving teenager, too. Glad to hear that you all enjoy each others company!