Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Walk with me

Time to start walking again, come join me. Whiskers was really slow this morning on the way back. Did a lot of waiting for him sign I didn't get my speed up very well. T'would break his heart if I didn't let him go, so what do ya do?

Minnie is back home with some antibiotics and on bland food for a while. Nurse said it was Ulceritive Colitis from Indescrectionary eating.............or messed up colon from eating something she shouldn't, like maybe onions. Oops. But she is better now, still will take a while for her colon to recover and get back to normal.

1 comment:

Bluebird74 said...

what is the matter with Wiskers? How old is he? If I remember you got him about the time you moved out there, right?