Sunday, January 07, 2007

I found this on Yvonne's blog many months ago and saved it to share someday. I just found it in my files and finished filling it out so I thought I would share it. I have removed a few lines that didn't pertain to me or just couldn't think of an answer so some of the numbers ar out of order and some answers are from way back when I first saved it but basically, it is me.

1. What time did you get up this morning? Somewhere between 7:30-8:30

2. Diamonds or pearls? Not interested in either one.

3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Narnia

4. What's your favorite TV show? I watch Animal Planet mostly

5. What did you have for breakfast this morning? 2 cups of coffee and 2 oranges

6. What's your favorite cuisine? I don't eat 'cuisine' but I love spaghetti.When I eat out I love to eat Chinese.

7. What foods do you dislike? Vegatables!

8. What is your favorite chip flavor? Anything cheesy

9. What's your favorite CD at the moment? I like Daniel O'Donnell

10. What kind of car do you drive? Mercury Topaz, don't ever buy a two door!

11. Favorite sandwich? Tomato and Mayo

12. What characteristics do you despise? Lying!

13. What is your favorite type of clothing? Jeans and t-shirt

14. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation where would you go? Ireland, England, or a deserted Island

15. What color is your bathroom? White with country blue accents

16. Favorite brand of clothing? I don't have a favorite brand but if it is in Goodwill I will wear it.

17. Where would you retire? Anywhere near my family

18. Favorite time of the day? Right after supper, relaxing in the chair.

19. What was your most memorable birthday? Don't have a particular birthday memory

20. Where were you born? Paintsville, Kentucky

21. Favorite sport to watch? I can do without watching sports.

24. What fabric detergent do you use? Purex

25. Were you named after anyone? Nope

26. Do you wish on stars? No

27. When did you last cry? Probably when my daughter and I had an argument, Last year?

28. Do you like your handwriting? Sometimes, it seems to change with my moods.

29. If you were another person, would YOU be friends with you? I would but not real close friends, I don't make real close friends. Except my husband.

30. Are you a daredevil? Probably not.

31. Do looks matter? I try not to make that an issue.

32. How do you release anger? Can't remember when I have been angry enough to need a release.

34. What was your favorite toy as a child? A large wheeled tricycle, ran the wheels off that poor thing.

35. What class in High School was totally useless? Geometry and algabra

37. Favorite movies? Vintage romances.

38. What are your nicknames? Can't remember any.

39. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? No, to much effort.

40. Do you think that you are strong? Physically, I am, Terry calls me 'Stout'. I can help him lift most anything.

41. What's your favorite ice cream flavor? Most exotic flavors

42. What are your favorite colors? What ever goes with my mood.

43. What is your least favorite thing about yourself? The extra 30 lbs. I gained since I married.

44. Who do you miss the most? Everybody being home at Mom and Dads before they married and left.

46 What color pants are you wearing? Black denim

47. Last thing you ate? Club Crackers

48. Favorite song? I heard the Bluebird Sing, a bluegrass song, sung at our wedding.

49. If you were a CRAYON what color would you be? yellow

50. Last person you talked to on the phone? Sister

51. Who controls the tempature in your car, you or your husband? I do mostly.

52. Favorite drink? Root Beer

53. Do you wear contacts? No

54. Favorite day of the year? Tomorrow - always looking forward

55. Endings happy or sad? Happy

56. Winter/summer? I like Spring and Fall best

57. Hugs or Kisses? Hugs

58 What is Your Favorite Dessert? Molasses crinkle cookies.

59. What Book(s) are you reading? Melody, by V.C. Andrews. Not keeping my interest though, too predictable.

60. What is on your mouse pad? Rain drops.

61. What Did You Watch Last night on TV? Didn't watch tv last night but right now the Dog Whisperer has my attention.

62. Favorite Smells? Outside-woodsmoke in winter. Inside-black cherry candles

63. Stones or Beatles? Beatles

64. What's the furthest you've been from home? Nassau and Jamacia.

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