Monday, November 12, 2007

Beautiful day for a walk this morning! Wish you could have gone with me. It is still warm enough to enjoy the walk and the colors are really beautiful.

I was just reading in my diary from this week in November in 1986 and the temps were in the single digits at night. Brrrrr! I'll take this weather any day. I was also noticing that that time was the last time that we were all together as a family. Us girls had just moved to Indiana and nobody had jobs yet so we were able to get up and eat breakfast together and each seemed to spend the day on project of their own. Mom looked at a lot of magazines, Sharon worked in the barn, Lois made wood projects in the workshop, I built dog pens or duck pens or chick pens and also spent a lot of time drawing. Sarah had her school to do. Sharon and Mom fixed good suppers and had them on the table and ready to eat when Daddy walked in the door. We usually spent the remainder of the daylight helping Dad with one of his projects. After dark and the dishes, with no tv, time was spent knitting, reading, drawing, piano practice or just enjoying conversations with each other. Usually someone would pop some popcorn and Mom would sometimes eat hers in buttermilk. YUCK! My diary is full of job hunting during this time and soon every body found jobs. For the next 5 years there was a lot of coming and going with all the jobs and those long winter evenings faded into just memories. Then the men started coming around and the girls started leaving one by one and starting memories of their own. Isn't life good? I know I am having a ball!

1 comment:

Farm Girl said...

Enjoyed walking with you. The trees still look nice in your area.

Like you, I will take this kind of warm November over single digits any day!! Brr!

Those long evenings together with the family all home sure made some nice memories. Now that we are so scattered out, it warms my heart to remember those times. I am enjoying my current life, it is just 'different'. Life is good here too.