Sunday, December 21, 2008

Wow! it is cold out tonight! It is 12 midnight and it is 7° out there. Glad I am not sleeping under a bridge tonight.

I finally sold the last two puppies today. I actually sold one of them twice! I have the pups and one adult male for sale and a lady came down from Mitchel and bought the adult and one puppy. She was about 10 minutes gone and she called me back and wanted to return them both. The pup was a nervous wreck and it lost it's dinner all over her lap. Well, she was done, that killed it she said. She decided she didn't want a dog anyway and was bringing them back. Oh well, about 30 minutes later a lady call crying because she had just put down her dog yesterday from cancer and wanted to know if we had any puppies for sale.  Isn't the Lord good? Now I just have the one adult to go.

Whoa! It is cold outside! Oh, sorry, I just said that didn't I?

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