Friday, April 13, 2007

Here is our new banner sign for the shop. I had plans to paint one on plywood and hang it here but that plan has been in the works for about a year now and it wasn't happening so I thought I better just spend a little money and get it done. Click on the picture and see it bigger. I have plans to order a couple more of these to hang up. I just can't seem to get one painted.

Please help us welcome our new additions. There are 2, a male and a female. Some one told us they were giving these away so we went to check it out. It was more of a rescue then anything else. Bad conditions, eating only breakfast cereal and really too young to leave mommy. Sis has claimed them and is doing all the caretaking. She named them Tinkerbell and Titan. They are a mix of Chihuahua/boxer and Min Pin/Terrier. They are very small, possible smaller then my Yorkie pups at this age. They still sleep 90 % of the day but are eating canned dog food really well. The plan was to put their pictures on my website and sell them for a little extra cash but they are still too young for that and I am afraid by the time they are old enough we wont be able to pry them loose with a stick. We'll just wait and see how thing so. They are cute enough that they still could be sold when they are older so .........

1 comment:

Farm Girl said...

Too cute! Makes you want to cuddle them up! They look like a puppy we had when I was about 14. His name was Pepper. He didn't stay around very long, he mauled and killed a couple of our kittens. Do you remember that incident, Ruth? We lived on Whetstone Road at the time and you were going to Greysbranch School, in Greenup County.