Sunday, October 30, 2005

I am really having trouble with the internet today so I thought I would get on here and rant and rave a little. I can't get into the sites I need to work on. One is having maintenence done and the other server is busy so I get to play a while I guess.
The beautiful Sunday morning turned out to be a gorgous day! There won't be many more of these. I hope everybody is out enjoying it. I am looking forward to our all girl get together in Brown County in November. I am saving my money. It has been changed from Saturday to Sunday the 27th, just in case everybody hasn't heard. I hope everybody gets to go this time. Seems like there is always at least 1 that gets left behind. And pray for nice weather!
Am having a good weekend on Ebay, I am excited about that. Not getting rich, by any means, just making a little more then we spent. That is all that counts. Just keeping the money in circulation so it seems like I have a little more in my pocket that I did the last few years.
Well, I'm gonna so back and see if I can get some work done yet. See if the server is still busy. If it is I will just go for a walk or something. I could use a good walk in the fall sunshine anyway. Come join me.

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