Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Just got back from my walk this morning. It is a beautiful day out there! I've had my bowl of cereal with banannas and raisins so I am ready for the day. I've taken all 6 dogs with me to walk before and they LOVE it but sometimes I just want to go alone so I have to sneak out so they dont know it or they set up the most amazing cacophany of noise you ever heard begging to go with me! When I got back I let them out to get their exercise and now I need to straighten up the puppy pen and lay down fresh news paper while everybody is outside. Will do that, then load the car with all my 'stuff' and head for the shop. Lois wants Sarah Beth to go play with Timmy today, they will be a Ms. Bea's today canning beans so I guess I'll be at the shop by my self.

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