Saturday, September 08, 2007

Here are the latest signs. They were orders, some of this stuff I couldn't think up my self.
I am starting on another hummingbird one, will share that one with you when I get it done.

I still have one puppy for sale, one that someone put a deposit down on and decided not to take, so we took him to Sycamore Springs to get some good photos of him. I want to put him back on the website and see if I can sell him next week. He is 3 months old now but he is still a cutie. Terry started calling him Willie, said he looks like Willie Nelson. I don't see it but it is a cute name.

We took a couple other dogs with us to walk them in the park. This was taken in the gazebo. This dog we call Tinkerbell. Sis claims her and wants to start her own puppy business. She is trying to raise the funds to remodel one of the rooms upstairs into a bedroom for her. Poor child, she does not even have a bedroom of her own. She sleeps on the couch and keeps her cloths in my room. Maybe Tinkerbell can help her out in about 6 months.

This is on our walk in the park, the next picture shows what she was poking at. He was little though, harmless I suppose. I just wont get close enough to find out.

The flash seems to have washed out the picture below. I wish I had Mom's laptop, it has a photo editing program that would fix that right up.

Sis has started a blog, don't know how long it will last but you can go check it out, click here.

1 comment:

Farm Girl said...

Nice portraits of S.B. She is braver than me when it comes to snakes!