Sunday, September 16, 2007

I invited you on a walk so off we go. It's a beautiful Sept. morning, about 50 degrees outside.
The dogs are all excited, they love to go on a walk. I have an extra companion this morning, I was suprised she actually got out of bed but I was happy to have her.
Little pup got tired and wanted to be carried and she was happy to oblige, for a little while anyway......
Then who got tired? It is only a mile out, so suck it up kid, on your feet, lets go.
I couldn't resist sharing this beautiful blue sky. You don't see that in July or August.
Well, thats all folks, say goodbye Gracie.
Hey Sharon, I just wanted to say thank you for all your comments on everybody's blogs. You can be counted on and it is appreciated. I know when I first started I was discouraged when nobody commented so I know I should be doing better at it. I promise to try anyway.


Jeanie said...

Loved getting caught up on all your posts. Sure do enjoy all the pictures! Thank You!!

Farm Girl said...

I enjoyed the walk. I sure wish there was a nice place to walk here. It takes a lot of motivation to use the treadmill! You are blessed!