Sunday, January 08, 2006

A Christmas Present being put to good use.


Today was such a beautiful day! it was 67°and really windy. Sarah Beth and I had to get out in it so we took the dogs (all 7 of them)for a 2 mile walk, out our drive way and back. I don't know who had a more fun time, us or the dogs. The little puppy we are keeping for Libby we named Nemo and he went along to. I thought we would have to carry him most of the way but he was a little trooper and kept right up. He almost managed to get lost a couple of times while we wern`t looking. He would follow the big dogs into the woods and they would run off and leave him. It would be very easy to loose him like that. This was his first time outside at 10 weeks old and I thought he would be frightened but he wasn't.

I never imagined I would have 7 dogs! I didn't start out to do that but it just seemed to creep up on me. I know Terry never imagined to have 7 dogs! He said at one time that I could NEVER have a house dog. What happened? When he sees the $800.00 to $1000.00 trickle in about 4 times a year, I guess that changed his mind. It always seems to come at a time we need it the most too. Go figure! Isn't God good?


Farm Girl said...

Is the photo of Nemo? Terry and Sarah Beth looks like they are enjoying the puzzle. Ed hasn't the patience to even try. We have a couple that were gifts that have never been out of the box!

A nice warm day like that in January is just a tease! Now it is 38°!!! and winter time again!Yuck!

Ruth said...

yes, the pictures are of Nemo.

Sarah Beth had to beg and drag him down there to help her. I think I even gave him a dirty look when he was whining. He's great though, he doesn't get an 'attitude' about it. Once he gets into it he has fun. Or at least sounds like he's having fun.

Jeanie said...

What brand of shoes last 2 to 3 years these days?
Wish I was there to help with the puzzle. I love them! :) David even helps sometimes.
Thanks for sending the 67* my way! I got to go for a ride on my bike. ;) It is suppose to be warm most of this week for us.

Lois said...

Ruth you never fail to have such pretty pictures posted, if I didn't know better I'd think the roses were just for me, and the little sleeping angel.....
Yes it was a nice day,I got to spend it with mom in French Lick, grtting Sarah a bed frame and nice headboard. We had lunch at Chicago Pizza salad bar of course. well It's 1:00 Am, Goodnight.

Ruth said...

When you wear your Sunday shoes only about 3 hours once a week they will last a while. Tennis shoes only last me about one summer, I can be hard on those.