Saturday, January 28, 2006

Thank you all for all the neat presents, you are too sweet!
I had a great day and can't wait for the next get together.
The roast beef was done to a turn, the mashed potatoes were hot and good, the rolls soft and buttery. The tea was cold but the cider was hard, oops. Don't worry, nobody got drunk.
Even Kenny liked my green beans, like I said Rachel, thanks for the tip. Sarah must have liked Mom's oven roasted veggies, she sure had a plate full. I did try a couple of the potatoes out of it but the other stuff scared me. The one big tragedy was that I forgot to get the cole slaw out of the fridge until the meal was over. Oh man, I hate it when that happens! The fruit salad just hit the spot for dessert and Mom's ewy gooy dessert went so well with the ice cream.
Did I forget anything(besides the cole slaw)? It was all good any way!
The weather was beautiful so the kids got to play outside so it was a good day.
Oh, and we should have some more puppies in about 63 days! Can't wait!


Farm Girl said...

Oh, it sounds like so much fun! I'm so sorry that we couldn't be there, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!!
Yes, Ed is feeling better. He plans to go to work tomorrow.
And glad you had a Happy Birthday, Ruth.

Yvonne said...

OOOOooooooo.....puppies! I love the puppies! They are just so cute I could eat them up!