Friday, April 28, 2006
Monday, April 24, 2006
Friday, April 21, 2006
It was about Sis, she had her hair put up into 4 pony tails and it seems that I found one of her ponytails on the floor. I picked it up and went to ask her about it and sure enough, she had taken the scissors and just choppen one of them off. She was laughing about it but I wasn't! I was a little furious and was trying to figure out what we could do with her hair now that it was messed up royally. What made me the most mad was her just laughing about it and I told her that this is not laughing matter! Glad that was just a dream!
Well, I guess that was more then you wanted to know but, oh well, just looking for something to write about.
I found this neat stuff on another BLOG and just had to share it:
I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I wasrdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be ataotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!
Neat stuff.
Thursday, April 20, 2006
1) I have a hard time recognizing a face until I've met you about 3-4 times.
2) I don't wear make-up, it's just too much trouble to put it on. If you don't like me the way God made me then.........
3) I don't like to read a book or watch a movie more then once. It's no fun when you know what is going to happen.
4)I love storms! The bigger, the better.
5)I cannot roll my R's. It is physically impossible, my tongue is too short.
6)Terry said it is weird that I dream every night and can repeat them to him in the morning, I can even have a dream while I am just sitting in the chair resting my eyes.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Oh the joys of being the mother of a pre-teen daughter! I pray daily for the Lord to give me the right words to say when she asks some of the hard questions. It is time for me to start talking about some difficult or embarrassing subjects. I don't usually have any original thoughts of my own, I usually have to repeat something I have heard or read but last night we were talking about boys and the things they like to try to do, if the girls allow it. My thought was about shopping. When you go shopping at a high end store (not that I ever have, but I have heard about it) they keep the "good stuff" behind glass and don't let just anybody touch it. The cheap stuff is set on the counters and anybody can come along and pick it up and handle it or try it on. I ask her what she would rather be, the cheap stuff on the counter that get touched and handled by any one that comes along or to be the "good stuff" that is kept protected and cherished behind glass until just the right person comes along. I was browsing blogs the other day and came across this 12 year old girls blog that I found interesting. I had to share
this with Sis. It talks about comebacks for the boys that get too frisky. My favorite was, "This aint Pizza Hut, so keep AWAY from the good stuff!" or "This is NOT Burger King and you CANNOT have it your way!" I so wish we had places to go where she could connect with other kids her age that live the dedicated Christian life that we want for her. I know she would like some teenage Christian role models to hang out with but I guess it is a trade off. We could live in a more populated area and have the advantage of bigger, bolder churches or live in the peaceful country side and take the near isolation that goes with it.
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Saturday, April 15, 2006
- A beautiful spring day
- All the doors and windows open to let in the spring day
- Your favorite music playing LOUD
- Cleaning house (at least I have a house to clean, some are not so fortunate)
- Daughter's room is finally clean!
- Many breaks from housecleaning, swinging in the hammock with Sis
- 11 puppies!
- Easter candy (jelly beans and sweet tarts)
- New clothes (Goodwill, yesterday with Lois, summer shirts $1.00 ea.)
- Doing laundry (I finally ordered water so I can do laundry)
- Taco salad for lunch
- Lilacs are blooming and Sis picked a bouquet for the table
- Beautiful tulips and daffodils outside my kitchen window and in the bouquet on the table
- Did I say Sis's room is clean?
Bad things:
Well, who cares about the bad things with all the above going on? Who cares if the bills are not paid or the bank sent you one of them letters last week? Who cares if gas is $3.00 a gallon? Not me, at least not at this moment. There is time later to worry about such things. Just not while the music is playing and the breeze is blowing and the sun is shining.
Life is good!
I can't hardly type for dancing to the music! Did you ever try to type to the beat of the music? Try it, its fun!
I'll send you the music that I cannot sit still too! Gotta dance!
Friday, April 14, 2006
This picture was taken that Easter Sunday morning. Do I look like I am in love? We were married about 2 months later and it is and has been the greatest 15 years I could ever have wanted.
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Rachel pulled in to Mom's right behind me this morning. Mom was up, dressed and in her wheel chair. Dad was gone to chruch. Rachel put the coffee on and I made Mom an egg sandwich for breakfast. She sounded a bit depressed but I talked to her later in the day, after I went to the shop and she sounded more cheerful. I guess we cheered her up a bit by being there. Sis and Rachel stayed to help and keep her company. Lois is taking her shift at Bea's for the week end but Mom decided she would go along to show Lois what to do. Timmy is here for a couple of days while Lois is working.
The puppies are all doing fine, all 11 of them. It is so nice to look in the box and see that they are all healthy with little fat tummys and growing like a weed. I do not like it when some one is sickly or I have to worry about some of them. We discovered last night that one does have a deformed tail. It is bent at an odd angle about 1/4 inch from the tip. That one will have to be docked. I ask Terry last night if he would do it but he dont want to so I guess I'll have to take that one to the vet sometime in the next few days and get it cut off. Yorkie's tails are usually docked anyway.
Friday, April 07, 2006
Sis was complaining tonight about having to do her chores so I said, "Hey, I don't want to cook supper either so you cook supper and I will do your chores." I didn't think she would but she agreed. I already had soup beans on cooking and she peeled and fried the taters and made the cornbread. I still think I got off with the better end of the deal, I just had to empty the dishwasher, wipe the bathroom sink and mirror and empty the cat box. We'll have to do that again sometime.
Sis spent the day with Grandma today to help her and be her "gopher". Mom said she was a big help and Sis enjoyed it too. She wants to go back tomorrow. Mom was up and dressed today but she said nothing they did helped the pain any. She is still hurting. She is just waiting for it to go away I guess.
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Terry was here and tried to get her to stay in the pen but she was fighting with Hildie and he sorta lost control of the situation or probably just gave up and she ended up having them on my bed! I've had the wash machine running all evening and my bedding has recovered but the bed will take a little more time. Sarah Beth said I can sleep with her tonight but Terry will be fine on his side of the bed.
Monday, April 03, 2006
Here is one for Timmy, He will like this. Have him click HERE and see what happens when you get the puzzle put together. My friend Sandy sent this to me in email and I thought he would enjoy it.