Sunday, February 12, 2006

You just have to try
this! If you are like me, you just can't resist.


Farm Girl said...

Does this mean that you are in your 'manic mode' now??????????
You too funny!!

Lois said...


Lois said...

Ok, so now I get it, I tried 'THIS', Oh so touchable, but alass, I had to literally sit on my hands. It's 2:15 in the morning, Girl, don't do that to me. Can't you just see Kenny Lynn coming , running, still tangled in his covers, down the hallway having a panic attack? "What, who, where, uhhh, uggg, ohhhh, dear heavens, what was that?"

Yvonne said...

WAY FUN!!!! I have to put that on my blog!

Ruth said...

If Kenny's snoring doesn't wake himself up, a little bubble popping wont do it it either. I hear he snores but you couldn't prove it by me.

Lois said...

RUTH,I'm a day late and a dollar short but I just discovered you can actually POP those bubbles, WOW, I popped away. Wait till I show Timmy.