Thursday, March 09, 2006

Sarah Beth was being a little lazy with her school work today and I had to give her the lecture that if she is not more diligent and putting more effort into learning then she may not pass the test and I might get into trouble with the authorities if she is not learning properly. I said that if she does not learn what she should and somebody comes by someday to check on her work that she might get sent to public school. That did it! she started crying, she said she would rather go to jail then go to public school! I think she got the message.
She likes that fact that she can sleep later, eat when she wants, be done by noon if she wants and to be able to go places during the day if she is through. Public school would cramp her style.

1 comment:

Farm Girl said...

Public school always cramped my style too!! I hated school with passion! I wanted to be outside! Maybe if I could have been homeschooled I would have liked learning, a little better?

Good for Sarah Beth,she knows what is important.