Tuesday, March 28, 2006

We are on puppy watch this week. I have the girls separated from the 'pack' and set up in their 'nursery'. I am hoping for some news by Friday at least. Hildie should be first, then Sofia about a week later. Although Sofia looks a lot bigger then Hildie. This is always a stressfull time. Especially when they choose to have the puppies on the weekend when the Vet is not standing by. We always seem to get through it, with a lot of prayer.

Sis done went and did it this time! She actually cooked supper all by herself tonight. I am so proud of her! It was just spaghetti of course, but she did not complain at all. All I did to help was poured the boiling water off the spaghetti for her. She doesn't eat garlic bread with hers so she didn't remember to put that in the oven early enough so I had to wait on that but it was all good. Did I mention that I was proud of her? Now that she has accomplished that, it is time to try something else, like meat loaf or something.

Well, we finally have the house to our selves again. Chelsea stayed here for 4 nights! Don't these kid's parents ever worry about where their kids are and what they are up too? Don't the parents ever miss their kids? I know it is different if it were a family member, you know pretty much what is happening with your kid and don't have to worry but most of these kids are not family. I know Timmy said he wants to stay 5 days and Lois probably needs the break. Just give me a couple days off and we'll be open for business again. Maybe that is the same reason everybody ends up over here, Mommy needs a break?


Farm Girl said...

Is this going to be 101 Puppies, like the dalmation movie?

I bet you all these parents know your house is a 'safe' place for them to have a break? You go girl!!

Yvonne said...

I'm having enough issues with one puppy - can't imagine a houseful! Can't wait to see the pics!