Monday, November 14, 2005

I don't like it when they talk about us having sever weather but looks like they are expecting some tomorrow afternoon for this area.
I went to the shop this morning and cleaned for 2 hours. Sarah Beth stayed home and that is about all she could take of being here alone so I came home for lunch. Terry and David showed up while I was here with two pickup loads of split wood to put on the porch. Terry had to do some major cleaning on the front porch before he could even stack the wood. Well, it looks nice out there now, the stacked wood and the cleaner porch.
I had to go back to the shop and Sarah Beth didn't want to go with me so I cleaned for another 2 hours then Terry called wanting to know what was for supper. I didn't get any work on Ebay done but the office sure looks nice now.
Terry and Sarah Beth were picking up leaves and hauling them off with the 4 wheeler when I got home. I fixed chili for supper and Terry about foundered himself on it. It must have been good. I put a little brown sugar in it this time, he said it tasted more like what he has been used to. Does anybody else put sugar in their chili?
Monday is a bad night for TV so I managed to get some more cleaning done. I cleaned out some more of my lower cabinets, rearranged, and got rid of a bunch of stuff and am ending up with so much room to spare. That doesn't seem to last long though, we always seem to find something to fill up the empty space. I cleaned off my bottom shelf of the worktable and put a lot of that stuff in my newly emptied spaces so now that space is pretty much empty. It sure is easier keep clean when there isn't a lot of stuff setting around.
I still have a lot more to do in the kitchen and I haven't touched the laundry room or my bedroom and bathroom. I will hopefully get to that before Thanksgiving.
Since Sarah Beth moved her bedroom upstairs, I have her old bedroom that I want to make into a dressing room for me and Terry. She still has a LOT of stuff in there though, that I will have to figure out what to do with.
Well, that is enough for tonight, I could ramble on forever but we'll save something for tomorrow night.

1 comment:

Farm Girl said...

Tell me where to go and find the motivation to clean like that? I want some too! This house needs you!