Thursday, November 10, 2005

Well, this vacation is just about over and I didn't get a lot done but I am pleased with what I did get done. Today I cleaned off the computer table, dusted all the CD and DVD cases, wiped the dust off the computer and printer and borrowed through a mountain of loose papers. I vacumed all the cobweb from under the shelves and cleaned out the junk drawer. What took the longest was cleaning my keyboard. I took off all the keys, wiped them down and vacumed and wiped all the mess under the keys. That was a bad place to be, it was scary down there! It looks nice now though.
Last night I fixed soup beans and ham, fried taters and cornbread for supper. Terry likes it so well I can serve leftovers for two days in a row. That's great for me. You know me, I am famous for avoiding cooking as much as possible. I never was a fan of soup beans. I can eat them when they are fresh but I usually leave the leftovers for Terry. Me and Sarah Beth just had fried taters for supper.
Sarah Beth just decided to make a cake. Go for it Girl!

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